FROM THE PASTOR'S DESK As we begin the Ordinary time of the year I would like to bring to your attention a number of items that are taking place in the parish.
- Because of the size of the group the Inquiry Classes we are holding the presentations in the rectory. (Remember this group is primarily geared to help people come into the fullness of our Communion in Christ; all are welcome however.)
- We are in the process of getting bids to fix the water damage again on the two walls in the Church. I will keep you appraised of what is happening.
- We are also getting a bid to put in a new riser in the choir area. In a perfect world we should have this before Easter.
- I'm having a new Easter Candle holder made. The new Easter candle will be done in wood as a base with larger size to fit the beauty of our Sanctuary. (Again thanks to a couple of donors who helped us.)
- We will be paying off the money owed for the installation of the organ and the new lights. I want to thank all the folks who were generous and who were patient as we completed this project.
- We will be looking at upgrading some of our other electrical circuits over the coming months to have them be up to date and more logical for the benefit of the parish.
- We're looking at the possibility of having approved lighting on the front of the main altar. (I will keep you aware of the opportunities.)
- We've purchased a set of vestments and altar linens, I'll give you more details as we have this project corrected to our specifications. (You may have noticed the new stoles, tabernacle veils and chalice veils that match.) I want to thank a number of our benefactors who have made this project possible.
- You should have available in the back of church over 1000 cards that give a simple explanation of how to participate in the Plenary Indulgence of this the Jubilee Year.