Church of St. John of St. Paul
The Craft Group will not meet during the month of January.
OLD LOG THEATER This Wednesday, January 19th. We will be boarding the bus here at St. John's at 10 a.m. The bus will be leaving here at 10:15 a.m. You should arrive back at St. John's at 4 p.m.
Fundamentals of Catholicism
This is a 12 week series on the basics of the Faith with Fr. Joe Fink. This program will be held in the rectory on every Thursday evening from 6:45 to 8:00 p.m. beginning January 6th and running through April 13th. This series is for those who are not Catholic who wish to know more about Catholicism, and to Catholics who would like to enrich their knowledge of their faith. Dates for the month of January are: 20th & 27th.
Sunday: 10-1:30 am., Youth Choir practice. Wednesday: 6:45-8:00 pm., Religious Ed. Classes. Thursday: 6:45-8:00 pm., Fundamentals of Cath- olicism. Saturday: 9:30-11:30 am., Eucharistic Adoration.
Please remember "The Church of St. John of St. Paul" (our legal corporate title) when you make out your will.
SERVICE FOR LIFE .The Archdiocesan Respect Life Office is sponsoring an Ecumenical Prayer Service at the Cathedral of Saint Paul at 20:30 am on Saturday, Jan. 22., 2000. Please join us as Archbishop Harry Flynn and Pastor Tom Brock lead us un prayer for respect and reverence for life. The MCCL March For Life will take place at 12 noon at the Minnesota State Capitol. At 1 pm there will be a prayer procession from the State Capitol to Regions Hospital.
Sunday:*65:(1 Sm 3:3b-19)**John(1:35-42) Monday:*311:(1 Sm 15:16-23)**Mark(2:18-22)
St. Anthony
Tuesday:*312:(1 Sm 16:1-13)**Mark(2:23-28) Wednesday:*313:91 Sm 17:32-51)**Mark(3:1-6) Thursday:*314:(1 Sm 18:6-19:7)**Mark(3:7-12)
Saints Fabian & Sebastian
Friday:315:(1 Sm 24:3-21)**Mark(3:13-19)
St. Agnes
Saturday:*316:(2 Sm 1:1-27)**Mark(3;20-21)
St. Vincent
Natural Family Planning Classes
The "good News" about Modern NFP is that it works! Experience the many blessings and benefits of using God's natural design in planning your family! Attend a series of just four monthly classes on the easy-to-learn, and highly effective Sympto-Thermal Method of NFP, taught by certified instructors of the Couple to Couple League, beginning Tues. Jan. 25th at 7:30 p.m. at Presentation of the blessed Virgin Mary School, 1695 Kennard St., Maplewood, MN. To register, or for more information or other class locations, please call 612-721-3791.
Pro-Family News Bulletin Board...From the Catholic Defender Update Newsletter: St. Paul School Board Defies Parents. Also: If You Think Anti-Catholic Bias Is a Myth, Think Twice.