Church of St. John of St. Paul
January 22 MCCL "March for Life"
Join thousands of Minnesotans at the State Capitol in St. Paul on Saturday, January 22 at 12 noon to commemorate the tragic loss of more than 40 million unborn babies through legal abortion. The MCCL March for Life takes place on the 27th anniversary of the destructive Roe v. Wade decision. Your presence shows elected officials that you want them to support pro-life legislation that protects women and unborn babies.
Christian Marriage: A Gift of the Spirit
Weekend Conferences for the Engaged will be offered by Jack and Alice Quesnell and staff on: January 28-30, March 31-Apr. 2, March 3-5, and Apr. 14-16, 2000. For couples unable to attend the weekend conferences, a five-session Thursday Evening series will be on Jan. 27 and March 2, 2000. For additional information call 612-789-0067.
Catholic High School Placement Exam
Date-Saturday, January 15th, 2000, 8:30-11:30 a.m Students are encouraged to take the Placement Exam at their high school of choice. Scholarships may be determined, in part, by the placement exam. Financial Aid applications are available at the high schools.
Sunday: 10-10:30 am., Youth Choir practice. Tuesday: 7:00-9:00 pm., Evening Craft Group meets. Wednesday: 6:45 pm., Religious Ed. Classes. 7:00 pm., Choir, church choir loft. Thursday: 6:45-8:00 pm., Fundamentals of Cath- olicism. Saturday: 9:30-11:30 am., Eucharistic Adoration.
Please remember "The Church of St. John of St. Paul" (our legal corporate title) when you make out your will.
Natural Family Planning Classes
Plan the size of your family while respecting the way God created you! Modern NFP is over 99% effective in postponing pregnancy and very helpful to couples who wish to achieve pregnancy. A series of just four monthly classes, taught by certified instructors of the Couple to Couple League, begins January 14th at 7:30 p.m. at Bethesda Hospital, 559 Capitol Blvd., St. Paul, MN. To register, or for more information or other class locations, please call 612-721-3791.
Sunday:*21:(Is 42:1-7)**Mark(1:7-11) Monday:*305:(1 Sm 1:1-8)*Mark(1:14-20) Tuesday:*306:(1 Sm 1:9-20)**Mark(1:2lb-28) Wednesday*307:(1 Sm 3:2-20)**Mark(1:29-39) Thursday:*308:(1 Sm4:1-11)**Mark(1:40-45)
St. Hilary
Friday:*309:(1 Sm8:4-22a)**Mark(2:1-12) Saturday:*310:(1 Sm 9:1-10:1a)**Mark(2:13-17)
St. Bernard's High School, 170 Rose Ave. W., St. Paul, is having an Open House for all prospective students and their parents on Thursday, Jan. 13, 2000 at 7:00 pm. Students and their parents are invited to tour the campus, meet students and teachers, and learn about the great academic and athletic opportunities St. Bernard's School has to offer. No reservations are necessary. Please call 651-489-1338 for further information.